New membership Form

Full Name: *
Address: *
E-mail: *
Phone Number: *
Riding Since:
Motorcycle Make:
Motorcycle Model:
Licence Plate:

The 5AB Riders is an independent non-profit organization not affiliated to or sponsored by any organization. I agree that I do not have any criminal background or felonies and charges and I do not take part in any criminal activities and/or activities that are against law. As a member of the 5AB Riders I am not permitted to belong to any other motorcycle clubs, take part in gang related activities. I have read and do hereby agree to abide by the rules and regulations as set forth in the by-laws of the 5AB Riders.. I also agree that the 5AB Riders, its board and/ or members shall not be held liable or responsible for damage or injury to any persons including myself during any activities which includes and is not limited to traffic violation tickets and penalties, road collisions. I understand the above and agree that all 5AB Riders members and guests participate in all activities at their own risk. If I shame 5AB Riders by my/our conduct or for any other reason, I will be subject to disciplinary action from the club, and my membership can be terminated without any refund. Not participating in club events, meetings and or rides is included in determining potential for termination. I agree that I have read all the above stated statements and abide to all of them. I understand that all dues, application and membership fee are non-refundable and I cant hold 5AB Riders liable or responsible for anything at all.


Type your Full Name (if you agree to terms above) : *